Sunday, March 22, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

I can't believe how busy I've been for the last little while.  I can trace it back to three things.  First, I have been sick, sick, sick with a horrible, grab your children and run cough that never goes away.  Second, I have class every Tuesday and Wednesday night.  Finally, my student teacher left to complete her kindergarten assignment.  I was happy to have my class back, but it sure was nice having an extra body to complete some of the routine tasks that can really add up when it's just one person trying to do it all.  But, the good news is my cough finally seems to be winding down, after this Tuesday I'll only have class on Wednesday, and that will free up some time for me to catch up on school stuff.  This weekend Amie and I headed down to BYU to watch the U gymnasts compete in their final meet of the season.  They sure did awesome.  Amie and I started going to the meets a couple of seasons ago when she got some free tickets.  It was such a nice break from our regular weekend adventures we kept going and now I'm hooked.  The meets are always interesting and fun to watch. Can't wait to see how they do at nationals.


  1. Yay, I'm glad you're back. And most importantly, that you're feeling better!

  2. Welcome back!
    I'm glad to hear the cough is subsiding.
    Pollution from inversions maybe?

  3. Sorry you've been sick- here's to health! ;D Maybe you can get a volunteer mommy helper!
