Saturday, September 11, 2010

Off centered and bouncy

Today while on a walk with Dudley, Gunner, and my mom, she commented on how cute the Dudster's tail is.  Dudley's tail is long and curves up in a high arch.  It is constantly going.  You know Dudley is happy because he wags it -- hard.  He wags it so hard it often bangs into things like metal garbage cans, walls, door frames, and the side of the bathtub.  You'd think it would hurt and then he wouldn't be so happy, but it does not deter him.  Anyway, mom said, "Dudley's tail is so cute.  It's kind of off-center and bouncy -- Just like him."  Yup, that's one way to describe him.  Off centered and bouncy.  Especially earlier that afternoon when he wrapped himself up in his leash so that his hind legs were tethered together.  He looked like a rabbit hoping around in my mom's flowers. Crazy dog.

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