Friday, August 27, 2010

First week -- a recap.

So many events.  So many weeks to go.  Here are some highlights, low lights, and lessons learned.
  1. T. -- Wow, you have some big muscles.  Me -- Yeah, that's what those are, muscles.
  2. If you feel the need to punch someone, don't choose the only kid in 2nd grade who's had boxing lessons.
  3. If you open four 100 calorie packs and put them in a bowl you've just eaten 400 calories. 
  4. Four magic words -- Put Your Head Down. 
  5. 2nd graders view rest time much differently than their teacher. 
  6. Even if you promise yourself that you won't open your copy of Mockingjay until your syllabus is printed,  just plan on some seriously late nights.
  7. Staying up past 1am does not a happy teacher make.
  8. If you wake up 10 minutes before your alarm, no matter how hard you try, you'll never get those sleep minutes back.
  9. Even though frosting is not refrigerated in the store, keeping it on your unairconditioned back counter might change the consistency a little.
  10. So glad it's Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, Kristen ad I still laugh at your comment: "If you're going to hit someone, don't hit T!" I know it's not a joking matter, but still a little funny :) Thank goodness it's friday
