In the winter as the air gets drier so do my heels. I really have to think about my feet. I must put lotion on before I go to bed. I must keep them smooth and callous free. I thinks that's why I love the Ped Egg so much. Anyway, I got a little behind on my foot maintenance regimen and the other day my heel cracked right down the middle. This is nothing new. It always happens. It's really gross. It's really painful. I thought about including a picture but I still feel guilty about posting the horrid
Tyra Banks meat photo. I couldn't subject anyone to my dry cracked heel. But, in all honesty my heel has been giving me some trouble. It was not fun walking around at the Festival of Trees. My heel was screaming. I also think my right calf muscle is larger than my left because I've been walking on my toes for the past week so I don't put any pressure on my heel.
Last night I woke up because my foot hurt and I "overheard" this conversation in my head.
Big toe: Why don't we just get rid of him. (Him being my heel.)
Other big toe: We can't she won't let us. (She being me.)
This has led me to a few conclusions.
- My heel is a male.
- Body parts can hold grudges.
- I should be committed.
In fact I shouldn't be posting this scenario because it could be used as evidence in the trial where my family tries to gain power of attorney.
Yes, after a nearly two week absence this is what you get. I apologize. I'll try and work up something a little more festive for the next post.