Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Rant

I do not like inside recess. The kids think they like inside recess, but they really don't. There is something about cool fresh air and the ability to run and scream uninhibited that enables them to return to the classroom somewhat ready to participate and learn. Sure, we can do movement activities inside, we can stretch, we can sing, we can play a game, or even have free play, but there still is that stifling issue of having to remain in the square room, breathing the same air 26 other little bodies are breathing, and having to control the volume.

When it rains, snows, or is otherwise inclement weather, we go out. Maybe not for the full 15 minutes, but we go out. This does two things. 1) It allows the kids the opportunity to run and yell 2) It allows me to go to the bathroom. Unless, of course, I have recess duty, but then at least I get to breathe some fresh air.

I lived in Russia for a year and a half. The cold or wet isn't going to kill ya. Dress for the weather and you'll be fine.


  1. Wait. So did you have inside recess or not?

    You know- I think they just love their teacher so much they want to have recess with her. :D

  2. I sooooo understand. Every teachers rant!

  3. You certainly need that recess break.... I'm so sorry.

  4. We actually didn't have to stay in for recess. But the threat of it got me so worked up I had to get the pent up frustration somehow.

  5. Inside recess, I rarely remember having them while in school. I can see why now. I totally agree with the needing a break. :)
