Sunday, November 16, 2008

6 Quirks

Okay,  after this post I'll be all caught up. 

1. I HATE to make left hand turns.  I avoid them at all cost.  I have inherited this from my dad.  Kids watch out.  Don't make fun of your parents -- you really do become them.  I also argue with cashiers if an injustice has been dealt.  
2.  My eyebrows sweat if I get nervous.  This is in addition to my palms, my arpits, my upper lip, and my neck.  Gross.
3. I can pick things up with my toes.  I can also pinch people really hard with them.  Just ask Michelle.  She lived in fear of the pinchers.  But she was able to get me back by sticking her finger in the hole on the back of my knee.  I hate that!
4. I laugh.  A lot.  Because of this people often confuse me with being extremely happy and nice.  But, really I'm rather sarcastic and cynical.  Laughter is my nervous response.  If you ask me, I think I suffer from social anxiety disorder and this is how it is revealed.  Some people turn lights on and off before entering a room, I laugh like a machine gun.
5. I can't eat cooked peppers.  I like the flavor.  I even like them raw, but after they've been cooked I just can't stomach them -- literally.
6. My thumbs are double jointed.  I can bend them all the way back to my wrist.  This is the only physical skill in which I excel.

Any quirks?  I'd love to hear them.  Or read them.  Whatever.


  1. You totally do laugh- ha! I thought I was being really entertaining while I was shooting your family, now I know I was just making you nervous. ;D

    Ooh- my sister can pinch with her toes- yipes! I learned how to pick stuff up with them when I got to the last trimester with the twins. It became especially helpful after they were born and dropping burp rags and binkies all the time.

    Awesome- you quirky lady!

  2. I can't stand raw peppers. Cooked only. Cooked to death until no crunch remains.

  3. ARGHHHH! Those pinching toes! Something I still haven't mastered. My mother in law is trying to teach Spencer so he can follow in his father's footsteps!
    I love you, you quirky gal!
