Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I just made an appointment to get my teeth cleaned. I am so scared. On my list of fears I should have included going to the dentist. I know I will get a lecture about the benefits of flossing. My palms have already started to sweat. I put the appointment off all summer. But now I have to use up my flex spending money so here I go. August 11th is the date. The countdown has begun.


  1. I hate the dentist!! Good luck!

  2. SO.. to help keep your mind off your up coming dentist appointment (which KUDOS to you in scheduling an appointment, I should follow your example) any who... I think you should come to the release party of Breaking Dawn with us on Friday! B&N 53rd & State,9:30, be there or BE THERE!

  3. I think you know about me and dentists. They hear a cash register ring when I walk in the door. Ka-CHING!!!
