Thursday, July 31, 2008

Trash Today, Trash Tomorrow

So I'm sitting here catching up on blogs. Reading new posts. I'm especially enjoying Summer's entry about the Little House books. Love them. Nothing endears a child to me more than when they walk into the classroom with a copy of Laura Ingalls Wilder in their back pack. I walk past their desk during SSR (Silent Sustained Reading, for all those not familiar with Ramona Quimby) and we share a knowing smile. Anyway, as I'm reminiscing about the good old days in the Big Woods, I hear the sound of metal screeching and plastic banging. A horrible car crash in my car port? No -- The garbage truck. I missed it for the second week in a row. Ugh! Good thing I live by myself and don't accumulate too much trash, but I might need to make a few midnight garbage drops this week. (Really, I need to get back on schedule. Shower before 10:00. Leave my house once a day. Take trash out Wednesday night.) Good thing tomorrow is August 1st. Next week I'll be forgetting garbage day because I'll have too much to do. I need to find a happy medium. I'm either all in or I'm all out.


  1. Ramona Quimby! I had forgotten Ramona Quimby. I'm thinking I'll be spending more time in the kids section. I'll worry about grown-up books when my kids are teens and I have to look smart to get any respect from them.

    Shower before 10:00. Hehe. I still remember when that became my schedule. Only it was PM- haha.

    Well don't worry- we'll all rally around you and remind you to take out your garbage when school starts. ;)

  2. I have a love-it-but-feel-guilty-about-it feeling about trash day. Where does it all go? I'm contributing to some huge heap somewhere. But then I drive to Southern Utah and realize that it will be a while before our planet resembles Wall-E's.

  3. I really enjoy your writing...I live in So California and stumbled on to your blog while reading my daughter's blog

  4. What a nice compliment -- I always worry if a reader is able to get my "voice". I hear it in my head but it doesn't always translate on paper. Thanks for commenting.
